Serve on an IODP3 Panel or Board
Apply to serve on an IODP3 Panel or Board.
Our Panels and Boards are staffed via open, international, competitive selection processes to ensure that IODP3 benefits from inputs from talented scientists while adhering to the highest standards of equality, diversity and social inclusivity.
Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) – central to the success of IODP3, SEP is responsible for the evaluation and selection of the best and most relevant drilling/coring and SPARC proposals, based on scientific excellence (and the completeness and quality of site survey data packages in the case of drilling proposals).
MSP-Facility Board (MSP-FB) – responsible for selecting which drilling proposals received from SEP should be implemented and scheduled each year, and which SPARC proposals endorsed by SEP will be funded in each annual round. The MSP-FB consists of a Science Board composed of leading scientists drawn from the IODP3 scientific communities, and representatives from other IODP3-related entities.
Safety and Environment Advisory (SEA) Group – this advisory body to the MSP-FB, SEP and IODP3 Operators provides independent advice regarding potential safety and environmental issues associated with proposed IODP3 drill sites. Members are specialists in subsurface site characterisation, drawn from any nation and from both academic and industrial backgrounds.
Magellan3 Workshop Series Science Steering Committee – this coordinates a programme of proposal workshops to support scientists from IODP3 and ICDP member nations in developing new and innovative scientific drilling and SPARC proposals.