
Site: U1385

Expedition 401
Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange

Latitude: 37.566995

Longitude: -10.12727833

Site: U1609

Expedition 401
Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange

Latitude: 37.37693167

Longitude: -9.598531667

Site: U1610

Expedition 401
Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange

Latitude: 36.69968667

Longitude: -7.431406667

Site: U1611

Expedition 401
Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange

Latitude: 36.322965

Longitude: -4.5792

Site: U1603

Expedition 400
NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Latitude: 72.983935

Longitude: -62.9803

Site: U1604

Expedition 400
NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Latitude: 73.11512833

Longitude: -63.78999333

Site: U1605

Expedition 400
NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Latitude: 73.56070167

Longitude: -62.151145

Site: U1606

Expedition 400
NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Latitude: 74.22743167

Longitude: -61.04591333

Site: U1607

Expedition 400
NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Latitude: 74.49249833

Longitude: -60.58316667

Site: U1608

Expedition 400
NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Latitude: 74.12803

Longitude: -60.97195333

Site: U1309

Expedition 399
Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif

Latitude: 30.16866

Longitude: -42.11855167

Site: U1601

Expedition 399
Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif

Latitude: 30.13236167

Longitude: -42.12012

Site: U1589

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.729105

Longitude: 25.64841

Site: U1590

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.555215

Longitude: 25.43940667

Site: U1591

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.31301667

Longitude: 25.14993667

Site: U1592

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.56527333

Longitude: 25.76171167

Site: U1593

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.5751

Longitude: 25.41499167

Site: U1594

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.38894667

Longitude: 25.41715

Site: U1595

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.38112333

Longitude: 25.40510333

Site: U1596

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.44261333

Longitude: 25.37479167

Site: U1597

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.43749

Longitude: 25.37887667

Site: U1598

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.30457833

Longitude: 25.128215

Site: U1599

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.44898167

Longitude: 25.77960333

Site: U1600

Expedition 398
Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Latitude: 36.54315

Longitude: 25.65011

Site: U1385

Expedition 397
Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Latitude: 37.566995

Longitude: -10.12727833

Site: U1586

Expedition 397
Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Latitude: 37.62139167

Longitude: -10.71048167

Site: U1587

Expedition 397
Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Latitude: 37.58125

Longitude: -10.358675

Site: U1588

Expedition 397
Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Latitude: 37.96003833

Longitude: -9.516366667

Site: U1584

Expedition 397T
Return to Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Latitude: -31.338695

Longitude: 2.837008333

Site: U1585

Expedition 397T
Return to Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Latitude: -30.16693333

Longitude: 1.177485

Site: U1565

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 64.96340667

Longitude: 2.747423333

Site: U1566

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 64.96478167

Longitude: 2.729221667

Site: U1567

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 65.36308

Longitude: 3.053655

Site: U1568

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 65.36105

Longitude: 3.052566667

Site: U1569

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 65.83129167

Longitude: 2.026801667

Site: U1570

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 65.83118

Longitude: 1.986238333

Site: U1571

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 67.30669833

Longitude: 3.737946667

Site: U1572

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 67.33196333

Longitude: 3.617616667

Site: U1573

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 68.7604

Longitude: 5.7948

Site: U1574

Expedition 396
Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications

Latitude: 68.60000833

Longitude: 4.641053333

Site: U1556

Expedition 395E
Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations

Latitude: -30.94207333

Longitude: -26.69912

Site: U1557

Expedition 395E
Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations

Latitude: -30.941085

Longitude: -26.62982

Site: U1560

Expedition 395E
Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations

Latitude: -30.40342833

Longitude: -16.92283667

Site: U1561

Expedition 395E
Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations

Latitude: -30.72150333

Longitude: -26.69527

Site: U1554

Expedition 395C
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives

Latitude: 60.12522667

Longitude: -26.7019

Site: U1555

Expedition 395C
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives

Latitude: 60.228161

Longitude: -28.49997367

Site: U1562

Expedition 395C
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives

Latitude: 60.10498833

Longitude: -26.50171

Site: U1563

Expedition 395C
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives

Latitude: 60.19991033

Longitude: -27.99999333

Site: U1564

Expedition 395C
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives

Latitude: 59.85062383

Longitude: -23.26681233

Site: U1554

Expedition 395
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate

Latitude: 60.12522667

Longitude: -26.7019

Site: U1562

Expedition 395
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate

Latitude: 60.10498833

Longitude: -26.50171

Site: U1564

Expedition 395
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate

Latitude: 59.85062383

Longitude: -23.26681233

Site: U1602

Expedition 395
Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate

Latitude: 61.19525

Longitude: -38.179935

Site: U1558

Expedition 393
South Atlantic Transect 2

Latitude: -30.89635667

Longitude: -24.84137

Site: U1559

Expedition 393
South Atlantic Transect 2

Latitude: -30.26056

Longitude: -15.03490167

Site: U1560

Expedition 393
South Atlantic Transect 2

Latitude: -30.40342833

Longitude: -16.92283667

Site: U1583

Expedition 393
South Atlantic Transect 2

Latitude: -30.71029167

Longitude: -20.43389333

Site: U1579

Expedition 392
Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate

Latitude: -39.95120833

Longitude: 26.23632167

Site: U1580

Expedition 392
Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate

Latitude: -40.78590333

Longitude: 26.60713667

Site: U1581

Expedition 392
Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate

Latitude: -35.6811

Longitude: 29.65032

Site: U1582

Expedition 392
Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate

Latitude: -37.025005

Longitude: 24.99519

Site: U1575

Expedition 391
Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Latitude: -21.86609833

Longitude: 6.590615

Site: U1576

Expedition 391
Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Latitude: -24.596185

Longitude: 5.125855

Site: U1577

Expedition 391
Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Latitude: -25.20239833

Longitude: 7.4969

Site: U1578

Expedition 391
Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Latitude: -32.32806

Longitude: -0.643126667

Site: U1556

Expedition 390C
South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems

Latitude: -30.94207333

Longitude: -26.69912

Site: U1557

Expedition 390C
South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems

Latitude: -30.941085

Longitude: -26.62982

Site: U1558

Expedition 390C
South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems

Latitude: -30.89635667

Longitude: -24.84137

Site: U1559

Expedition 390C
South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems

Latitude: -30.26056

Longitude: -15.03490167

Site: U1556

Expedition 390
South Atlantic Transect 1

Latitude: -30.94207333

Longitude: -26.69912

Site: U1557

Expedition 390
South Atlantic Transect 1

Latitude: -30.941085

Longitude: -26.62982

Site: U1559

Expedition 390
South Atlantic Transect 1

Latitude: -30.26056

Longitude: -15.03490167

Site: M0096

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 20.03696

Longitude: -156.065596

Site: M0097

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 19.942699

Longitude: -156.063477

Site: M0098

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 20.055425

Longitude: -156.189735

Site: M0099

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 19.835295

Longitude: -156.092467

Site: M0100

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 20.137606

Longitude: -156.079107

Site: M0101

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 20.273832

Longitude: -155.489799

Site: M0102

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 20.289871

Longitude: -155.651009

Site: M0103

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 19.87701

Longitude: -154.939609

Site: M0104

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 19.870311

Longitude: -154.954

Site: M0105

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 19.867494

Longitude: -154.972719

Site: M0106

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 18.856772

Longitude: -155.688265

Site: M0107

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 19.940185

Longitude: -156.058178

Site: M0108

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 20.048346

Longitude: -156.192127

Site: M0109

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 20.065169

Longitude: -156.266938

Site: M0110

Expedition 389
Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Latitude: 19.792508

Longitude: -156.104756

Site: M0081

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 36.07226667

Longitude: 142.7356667

Site: M0082

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 36.10083333

Longitude: 142.7584667

Site: M0083

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 38.75688333

Longitude: 144.12925

Site: M0084

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 40.39543333

Longitude: 144.4221333

Site: M0085

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 40.4374

Longitude: 144.4371833

Site: M0086

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 39.77926667

Longitude: 144.2754

Site: M0087

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 39.44065

Longitude: 144.2161833

Site: M0088

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 40.0931

Longitude: 144.3256833

Site: M0089

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 38.72003333

Longitude: 144.1256333

Site: M0090

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 38.29723333

Longitude: 144.05915

Site: M0091

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 37.41245

Longitude: 143.7288167

Site: M0092

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 36.9112

Longitude: 143.4236

Site: M0093

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 39.08181667

Longitude: 144.2166667

Site: M0094

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 39.24756667

Longitude: 144.20515

Site: M0095

Expedition 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Latitude: 36.89168333

Longitude: 143.4078833

Site: U1545

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.63737

Longitude: -111.8888167

Site: U1546

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.63157

Longitude: -111.8796867

Site: U1547

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.506

Longitude: -111.6795933

Site: U1548

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.50805

Longitude: -111.6882033

Site: U1549

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.47231

Longitude: -111.4798783

Site: U1550

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.25284

Longitude: -111.5074183

Site: U1551

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.20639

Longitude: -111.219735

Site: U1552

Expedition 385
Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Latitude: 27.55364

Longitude: -111.547595

Site: 504

Expedition 385T
Panama Basin Crustal Architecture and Deep Biosphere

Latitude: 1.22691

Longitude: -83.730225

Site: 896

Expedition 385T
Panama Basin Crustal Architecture and Deep Biosphere

Latitude: 1.21698

Longitude: -83.72329333

Site: U1554

Expedition 384
Engineering Testing

Latitude: 60.12522667

Longitude: -26.7019

Site: U1555

Expedition 384
Engineering Testing

Latitude: 60.228161

Longitude: -28.49997367

Site: U1539

Expedition 383
Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Latitude: -56.1512

Longitude: -115.1341167

Site: U1540

Expedition 383
Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Latitude: -55.14129

Longitude: -114.8422917

Site: U1541

Expedition 383
Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Latitude: -54.21261

Longitude: -125.42548

Site: U1542

Expedition 383
Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Latitude: -52.705

Longitude: -75.59623667

Site: U1543

Expedition 383
Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Latitude: -54.58441

Longitude: -76.67616167

Site: U1544

Expedition 383
Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Latitude: -55.53699

Longitude: -71.59365667

Site: U1534

Expedition 382
Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics

Latitude: -53.1898

Longitude: -58.76043167

Site: U1535

Expedition 382
Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics

Latitude: -53.1915

Longitude: -58.64341333

Site: U1536

Expedition 382
Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics

Latitude: -59.44083

Longitude: -41.06065333

Site: U1537

Expedition 382
Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics

Latitude: -59.112

Longitude: -40.90612833

Site: U1538

Expedition 382
Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics

Latitude: -57.44223

Longitude: -43.35787167

Site: M0078

Expedition 381
Corinth Active Rift Development

Latitude: 38.1448

Longitude: 22.7584

Site: M0079

Expedition 381
Corinth Active Rift Development

Latitude: 38.1584

Longitude: 22.6954

Site: M0080

Expedition 381
Corinth Active Rift Development

Latitude: 38.12

Longitude: 23.0863

Site: C0006

Expedition 380
NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Frontal Thrust Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS)

Latitude: 33.02731

Longitude: 136.794105

Site: U1532

Expedition 379
Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Latitude: -68.61159

Longitude: -107.5254983

Site: U1533

Expedition 379
Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Latitude: -68.73455

Longitude: -109.024835

Site: U1553

Expedition 378
South Pacific Paleogene Climate

Latitude: -52.22401

Longitude: 166.1910267

Site: U1527

Expedition 376
Brothers Arc Flux

Latitude: -34.86104

Longitude: 179.0542233

Site: U1528

Expedition 376
Brothers Arc Flux

Latitude: -34.88203

Longitude: 179.0686067

Site: U1529

Expedition 376
Brothers Arc Flux

Latitude: -34.87536

Longitude: 179.0586783

Site: U1530

Expedition 376
Brothers Arc Flux

Latitude: -34.86098

Longitude: 179.05762

Site: U1531

Expedition 376
Brothers Arc Flux

Latitude: -34.87932

Longitude: 179.0705733

Site: U1518

Expedition 375
Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -38.859

Longitude: 178.89607

Site: U1519

Expedition 375
Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -38.72762

Longitude: 178.614915

Site: U1520

Expedition 375
Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -38.96913

Longitude: 179.1316517

Site: U1526

Expedition 375
Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -39.02191

Longitude: 179.2458017

Site: U1521

Expedition 374
Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Latitude: -75.68392

Longitude: -179.6718467

Site: U1522

Expedition 374
Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Latitude: -76.55377

Longitude: -174.7577533

Site: U1523

Expedition 374
Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Latitude: -74.15048

Longitude: -176.7958183

Site: U1524

Expedition 374
Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Latitude: -74.21756

Longitude: -173.63223

Site: U1525

Expedition 374
Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Latitude: -75.00101

Longitude: -173.9200467

Site: U1517

Expedition 372
Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and LWD for Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -38.82961

Longitude: 178.476

Site: U1518

Expedition 372
Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and LWD for Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -38.859

Longitude: 178.89607

Site: U1519

Expedition 372
Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and LWD for Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -38.72762

Longitude: 178.614915

Site: U1520

Expedition 372
Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and LWD for Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Latitude: -38.96913

Longitude: 179.1316517

Site: U1506

Expedition 371
Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate

Latitude: -28.66197

Longitude: 161.7404

Site: U1507

Expedition 371
Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate

Latitude: -26.4886

Longitude: 166.5285917

Site: U1508

Expedition 371
Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate

Latitude: -34.448175

Longitude: 171.3431483

Site: U1509

Expedition 371
Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate

Latitude: -34.65219

Longitude: 165.827665

Site: U1510

Expedition 371
Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate

Latitude: -36.32899

Longitude: 164.5589117

Site: U1511

Expedition 371
Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate

Latitude: -37.5611

Longitude: 160.3156317

Site: C0023

Expedition 370
Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto

Latitude: 32.3667

Longitude: 134.9664067

Site: U1512

Expedition 369
Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics

Latitude: -34.02734

Longitude: 127.962675

Site: U1513

Expedition 369
Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics

Latitude: -33.79365

Longitude: 112.48534

Site: U1514

Expedition 369
Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics

Latitude: -33.12074

Longitude: 113.0913317

Site: U1515

Expedition 369
Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics

Latitude: -33.26982

Longitude: 114.3227767

Site: U1516

Expedition 369
Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics

Latitude: -34.3488

Longitude: 112.7992883

Site: U1503

Expedition 368X
Return to Hole U1503A (South China Sea)

Latitude: 18.14383

Longitude: 116.3140933

Site: U1501

Expedition 368
South China Sea Rifted Margin

Latitude: 18.88488

Longitude: 115.7656167

Site: U1502

Expedition 368
South China Sea Rifted Margin

Latitude: 18.46466

Longitude: 116.2306817

Site: U1503

Expedition 368
South China Sea Rifted Margin

Latitude: 18.14383

Longitude: 116.3140933

Site: U1504

Expedition 368
South China Sea Rifted Margin

Latitude: 18.84702

Longitude: 116.2432967

Site: U1505

Expedition 368
South China Sea Rifted Margin

Latitude: 18.91743

Longitude: 115.8591683

Site: U1499

Expedition 367
South China Sea Rifted Margin

Latitude: 18.40951

Longitude: 115.8599833

Site: U1500

Expedition 367
South China Sea Rifted Margin

Latitude: 18.30451

Longitude: 116.2199183

Site: U1491

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 15.78657

Longitude: 147.1401983

Site: U1492

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 15.70949

Longitude: 147.1766517

Site: U1493

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 17.98611

Longitude: 147.1001

Site: U1494

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 18.05149

Longitude: 147.100005

Site: U1495

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 18.09465

Longitude: 147.099835

Site: U1496

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 18.11011

Longitude: 147.1016683

Site: U1497

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 16.53758

Longitude: 147.221035

Site: U1498

Expedition 366
Mariana Convergent Margin

Latitude: 16.4562

Longitude: 147.16861

Site: C0010

Expedition 365
NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Shallow Megasplay Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS)

Latitude: 33.20917

Longitude: 136.6870383

Site: M0077

Expedition 364
Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater

Latitude: 21.45015

Longitude: -89.94937

Site: U1482

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: -15.05552

Longitude: 120.4348667

Site: U1483

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: -13.08747

Longitude: 121.8042283

Site: U1484

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: -3.13223

Longitude: 142.7830367

Site: U1485

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: -3.10262

Longitude: 142.7931117

Site: U1486

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: -2.37247

Longitude: 144.60115

Site: U1487

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: -2.33329

Longitude: 144.8195767

Site: U1488

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: 2.04299

Longitude: 141.7549567

Site: U1489

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: 2.1196

Longitude: 141.0277517

Site: U1490

Expedition 363
Western Pacific Warm Pool

Latitude: 5.81564

Longitude: 142.6544833

Site: U1480

Expedition 362
Sumatra Seismogenic Zone

Latitude: 3.03426

Longitude: 91.60580333

Site: U1481

Expedition 362
Sumatra Seismogenic Zone

Latitude: 2.75477

Longitude: 91.75961833

Site: U1474

Expedition 361
South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile)

Latitude: -32.21666

Longitude: 31.54513333

Site: U1475

Expedition 361
South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile)

Latitude: -41.42676

Longitude: 25.26049833

Site: U1476

Expedition 361
South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile)

Latitude: -15.82106

Longitude: 41.76872667

Site: U1477

Expedition 361
South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile)

Latitude: -19.35488

Longitude: 36.91511

Site: U1478

Expedition 361
South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile)

Latitude: -25.82118

Longitude: 34.76932

Site: U1479

Expedition 361
South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile)

Latitude: -35.05881

Longitude: 17.40082167

Site: U1473

Expedition 360
Southwest Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho

Latitude: -32.70603

Longitude: 57.27813333

Site: U1465

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.93311

Longitude: 73.01167

Site: U1466

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.93314

Longitude: 73.028155

Site: U1467

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.85023

Longitude: 73.28385333

Site: U1468

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.93304

Longitude: 73.07148

Site: U1469

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.90694

Longitude: 73.00782333

Site: U1470

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.76636

Longitude: 72.98368333

Site: U1471

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.76638

Longitude: 73.13488167

Site: U1472

Expedition 359
Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Latitude: 4.77109

Longitude: 73.06685167

Site: C0002

Expedition 358
NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4

Latitude: 33.30845

Longitude: 136.63672

Site: C0024

Expedition 358
NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4

Latitude: 33.03351

Longitude: 136.79005

Site: C0025

Expedition 358
NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4

Latitude: 33.40152

Longitude: 136.33587

Site: M0068

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.12515

Longitude: -42.09577

Site: M0069

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.1324

Longitude: -42.12003

Site: M0070

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.1424

Longitude: -42.13657

Site: M0071

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.12833

Longitude: -42.15343

Site: M0072

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.1273

Longitude: -42.11937

Site: M0073

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.13165

Longitude: -42.18282

Site: M0074

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.16442

Longitude: -42.12192

Site: M0075

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.10812

Longitude: -41.99777

Site: M0076

Expedition 357
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life

Latitude: 30.12702

Longitude: -42.11775

Site: U1458

Expedition 356
Indonesian Throughflow

Latitude: -28.664125

Longitude: 113.5777933

Site: U1459

Expedition 356
Indonesian Throughflow

Latitude: -28.67066333

Longitude: 113.5589417

Site: U1460

Expedition 356
Indonesian Throughflow

Latitude: -27.37477833

Longitude: 112.923775

Site: U1461

Expedition 356
Indonesian Throughflow

Latitude: -20.213875

Longitude: 115.0656483

Site: U1462

Expedition 356
Indonesian Throughflow

Latitude: -19.82127333

Longitude: 115.71031

Site: U1463

Expedition 356
Indonesian Throughflow

Latitude: -18.965475

Longitude: 117.6236933

Site: U1464

Expedition 356
Indonesian Throughflow

Latitude: -18.06538333

Longitude: 118.6313933

Site: U1456

Expedition 355
Arabian Sea Monsoon

Latitude: 16.62142833

Longitude: 68.839235

Site: U1457

Expedition 355
Arabian Sea Monsoon

Latitude: 17.16581

Longitude: 67.93020167

Site: U1449

Expedition 354
Bengal Fan

Latitude: 8.00701

Longitude: 88.11015167

Site: U1450

Expedition 354
Bengal Fan

Latitude: 8.006986667

Longitude: 87.67097667

Site: U1451

Expedition 354
Bengal Fan

Latitude: 8.007005

Longitude: 88.74124167

Site: U1452

Expedition 354
Bengal Fan

Latitude: 8.006813333

Longitude: 87.18186

Site: U1453

Expedition 354
Bengal Fan

Latitude: 8.006988333

Longitude: 86.79162167

Site: U1454

Expedition 354
Bengal Fan

Latitude: 8.006625

Longitude: 85.84987833

Site: U1455

Expedition 354
Bengal Fan

Latitude: 8.006801667

Longitude: 86.28348333

Site: U1443

Expedition 353
Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Latitude: 5.383318333

Longitude: 90.36165333

Site: U1444

Expedition 353
Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Latitude: 13.99989983

Longitude: 84.82902027

Site: U1445

Expedition 353
Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Latitude: 17.74515833

Longitude: 84.78731167

Site: U1446

Expedition 353
Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Latitude: 19.08369167

Longitude: 85.73463333

Site: U1447

Expedition 353
Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Latitude: 10.78992

Longitude: 93.00019

Site: U1448

Expedition 353
Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Latitude: 10.63471667

Longitude: 93.00038833

Site: U1439

Expedition 352
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc

Latitude: 28.407485

Longitude: 142.6089467

Site: U1440

Expedition 352
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc

Latitude: 28.44996

Longitude: 142.75374

Site: U1441

Expedition 352
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc

Latitude: 28.42729833

Longitude: 142.72565

Site: U1442

Expedition 352
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc

Latitude: 28.40964

Longitude: 142.62228

Site: U1438

Expedition 351
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins

Latitude: 27.38361167

Longitude: 134.318175

Site: U1436

Expedition 350
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Rear Arc

Latitude: 32.39808167

Longitude: 140.3656983

Site: U1437

Expedition 350
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Rear Arc

Latitude: 31.78979833

Longitude: 139.0265233

Site: U1431

Expedition 349
South China Sea Tectonics

Latitude: 15.37563333

Longitude: 116.9998383

Site: U1432

Expedition 349
South China Sea Tectonics

Latitude: 18.351385

Longitude: 116.39084

Site: U1433

Expedition 349
South China Sea Tectonics

Latitude: 12.918855

Longitude: 115.0474733

Site: U1434

Expedition 349
South China Sea Tectonics

Latitude: 13.1918

Longitude: 114.9233417

Site: U1435

Expedition 349
South China Sea Tectonics

Latitude: 18.55577667

Longitude: 116.61029

Interactive site map: Numbers indicate how many individual sites are clustered in each area (and are not drill site identifying numbers). Click on these site clusters to expand the view and see individual site locations. Clicking on an individual site on the map then highlights the associated expedition in the list of publications.

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International Ocean Discovery Program

This list provides links to publications held at The standard IODP publication series Scientific Prospectus, Preliminary Report, and Proceedings for each IODP expedition was published by IODP Publication Services at Texas A&M University, USA, with funding from NSF.

Expedition 402

Tyrrhenian Continent-Ocean Transition

Ended: Apr 8, 2024 Sites: U1612-U1617 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 401

Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange

Ended: Feb 9, 2024 Sites: U1385, U1609-U1611 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 400

NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Ended: Oct 12, 2023 Sites: U1603-U1608 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 399
Ponta Delgada

Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif

Ended: Jun 12, 2023 Sites: U1309, U1601 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 398

Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Ended: Feb 10, 2023 Sites: U1589-U1600 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 397

Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Ended: Dec 11, 2022 Sites: U1385, U1586-U1588 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 395E
Cape Town

Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations

Ended: Jun 6, 2021 Sites: U1556, U1557, U1560, U1561 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 395C

Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives

Ended: Aug 6, 2021 Sites: U1554-U1555, U1562-U1564 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 395
Ponta Delgada

Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate

Ended: Aug 12, 2023 Sites: U1554, U1562, U1564, U1602 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 393
Cape Town

South Atlantic Transect 2

Ended: Aug 7, 2022 Sites: U1558-U1560, U1583 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 392
Cape Town

Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate

Ended: Apr 7, 2022 Sites: U1579-U1582 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 391
Cape Town

Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Ended: Feb 5, 2022 Sites: U1575-U1578 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 390C

South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems

Ended: Dec 5, 2020 Sites: U1556-U1559 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 390
Cape Town

South Atlantic Transect 1

Ended: Jun 7, 2022 Sites: U1556, U1557, U1559 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 389

Hawaiian Drowned Reefs

Ended: Oct 31, 2023 Sites: M0096-M0110 Operator: ESO
Expedition 386

Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Ended: Jun 1, 2021 Sites: M0081-M0095 Operator: ESO
Expedition 385
San Diego

Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Ended: Nov 16, 2019 Sites: U1545-U1552 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 385T

Panama Basin Crustal Architecture and Deep Biosphere

Ended: Sep 16, 2019 Sites: 504, 896 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 384

Engineering Testing

Ended: Sep 5, 2020 Sites: U1554-U1555 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 381

Corinth Active Rift Development

Ended: Dec 18, 2017 Sites: M0078-M0080 Operator: ESO
Expedition 379
Punta Arenas

Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Ended: Mar 20, 2019 Sites: U1532-U1533 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 376

Brothers Arc Flux

Ended: Jul 5, 2018 Sites: U1527-U1531 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 375

Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Ended: May 5, 2018 Sites: U1518-U1520, U1526 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 368X
Hong Kong

Return to Hole U1503A (South China Sea)

Ended: Dec 8, 2018 Sites: U1503 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 368
Hong Kong

South China Sea Rifted Margin

Ended: Jun 11, 2017 Sites: U1501-U1505 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 367
Hong Kong

South China Sea Rifted Margin

Ended: Apr 9, 2017 Sites: U1499-U1500 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 366

Mariana Convergent Margin

Ended: Feb 7, 2017 Sites: U1491-U1498 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 363

Western Pacific Warm Pool

Ended: Dec 8, 2016 Sites: U1482-U1490 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 362

Sumatra Seismogenic Zone

Ended: Oct 6, 2016 Sites: U1480-U1481 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 359

Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level

Ended: Nov 30, 2015 Sites: U1465-U1472 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 358

NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4

Ended: Mar 31, 2019 Sites: C0002, C0024, C0025 Operator: MarE3
Expedition 356

Indonesian Throughflow

Ended: Sep 30, 2015 Sites: U1458-U1464 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 355

Arabian Sea Monsoon

Ended: May 31, 2015 Sites: U1456-U1457 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 354

Bengal Fan

Ended: Mar 31, 2015 Sites: U1449-U1455 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 353

Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Ended: Jan 29, 2015 Sites: U1443-U1448 Operator: JRSO
Expedition 352

Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc

Ended: Sep 29, 2014 Sites: U1439-U1442 Operator: USIO
Expedition 350

Izu-Bonin-Mariana Rear Arc

Ended: May 30, 2014 Sites: U1436-U1437 Operator: USIO
Expedition 349
Hong Kong

South China Sea Tectonics

Ended: Mar 30, 2014 Sites: U1431-U1435 Operator: USIO
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