Submit a Proposal
IODP3 science is driven by three types of community-generated proposals, targeting the seven Strategic Objectives, five Flagship Initiatives, and four Enabling Elements of the “2050 Science Framework”:
- Scientific Ocean Drilling Proposals
- Land-to-Sea Proposals (for combined IODP3 and ICDP drilling)
- SPARC Proposals
These are reviewed by the Science Evaluation Panel and the best proposals are then passed to the MSP Facility Board for potential implementation.
- 3 March: Scientific Ocean Drilling & SPARC Proposals
- 1 July: Scientific Ocean Drilling & Land-to-Sea Proposals
To submit a proposal
Proposals are submitted to and managed in the IODP3 Proposal Database (PDB) system via the IODP3 Gateway.
Read or download the relevant proposal guidelines and our confidentiality policy:
Scientific Ocean Drilling Proposals and Land-to-Sea Proposals also require submission of site characterisation data into the IODP3 Site Survey Database (SSDB) via the IODP3 Gateway.
Proponents with questions about submitting proposals can contact the IODP3 Science Office for assistance.