Open call to participate in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin – Vulnerabilities and Global Consequences Land2Sea proposal workshop
Workshop on Land2Sea proposal: Wilkes Subglacial Basin – Vulnerabilities and Global Consequences
Nancy Bertler (Victoria University of Wellington/GNS) and Rob McKay (Victoria University of Wellington) will hold a one day workshop at the EGU meeting in April on a proposed Land2Sea transect in Wilkes Land, Antarctica.
There is an open call to participate in this meeting. The intention is to develop international collaboration, advance the plan for a Land2Sea IODP3/ICDP proposal, and coordinate future funding proposals.
This workshop is funded through MARICE-MARine and ICE core reconstruction of East Antarctic sea ice variability (PI Johan Etournau and Nancy Bertler through the Royal Society of New Zealand Catalyst Fund 19-VUW-047-DDU) and generously supported by the University of Vienna.
The workshop will be held in person at the University of Vienna and online, on Saturday 3rd May 2025, from 9:00-16:30 CEST.
For more information and to register your attendance you can learn more here