Core Repositories
IODP3 cores - physical samples of sediments and rocks recovered from the subseafloor - are stored and curated at core repositories funded by ECORD, JAMSTEC and NSF, along with cores collected by previous ocean drilling programmes.
Cores are assigned to specific repositories based on their ocean of origin as shown below. After the expedition moratorium period, core samples may be requested for scientific research. A Curatorial Advisory Board makes final decisions regarding distribution of scientific ocean drilling samples.
For more information on the repositories, contact the curator:
Geographic Assignment of Core Samples to Repositories
Repository | Institution | Amount of Core | Program(s) Generating Core | Geographic Location |
BCR | University of Bremen | 192 km | DSDP, ODP, and IODP | Atlantic and Arctic Oceans (north of Bering Strait); Mediterranean, Black, and Baltic Seas |
KCC | Kochi University / JAMSTEC | 149 km | DSDP, ODP, and IODP | Pacific (west of western boundary of Pacific plate); Indian Ocean (N of 60ºS), all of Kerguelan Plateau, and the Bering Sea |
GCR | Texas A&M University | 152 km | DSDP, ODP, and IODP | Pacific (Pacific plate east of western boundary); Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico; Southern Oceans (S of 60º except Kerguelan Plateau) |
Rutgers/NJGS | Rutgers / NJGS | 4.1 km | ODP Leg 150X & 174AX | Land-based New Jersey and Delaware cores |