Data & Samples
IODP3 provides open access to all expedition samples and data once the members of Expedition Science Teams have had a reasonable opportunity to complete their initial studies within a one-year moratorium period. Samples and data from all other scientific ocean drilling programmes (past and present) are also freely available.
Data are available from each expedition’s Science Operator, whereas samples may be requested from the three Core Repositories, using the links below.
Data Access
Sample Access
Physical samples are archived at three repositories. Sample requests for all DSDP, ODP, and IODP cores are submitted using the Sample, Data, & Research Request Manager (SDRM). By receiving samples, researchers implicitly agree to comply with the Sample, Data, and Obligations Policy. A Curatorial Advisory Board makes final decisions regarding distribution of scientific ocean drilling samples.
The integrated data and publications portal Scientific Earth Drilling Information System (SEDIS) initiated during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 2003-2013 and is now funded by ECORD and supported by MARUM. SEDIS allows search across source databases and aggregation of data sets from:
- Post-moratorium data and metadata from all IODP and legacy program data systems (e.g., JANUS, LIMS, J-CORES, WDC-MARE/PANGAEA, Logging Database SSDB, etc.)
- Publications and publications metadata from IODP/ODP/DSDP and the open literature related to scientific ocean drilling
- Post-expedition data and metadata from post-cruise data capture projects and voluntarily submitted post-expedition data sets
Micropaleontological Reference Centers
Maintained by curators at over a dozen sites around the world, the Micropaleontological Reference Centers (MRCs) provide scientists with an opportunity to examine microfossils of various geologic ages and from a globally distributed set of locations. The collections, with more than 20,000 samples, cover four microfossil groups—calcareous nannofossils, foraminifers, radiolarians, and diatoms—selected from sediment cores obtained from the scientific ocean drilling programmes. The MRCs are a source of materials for current research and a legacy archive.
Microbiology Sample Material Availability
Subseafloor microbiological samples from some IODP expeditions are available for request.